Last month, I had the opportunity to chat about purpose-driven storytelling with Rebecca Scott, host of the Humans, Now and Then podcast. Our conversation revolved around how shifting consumer mindsets due to the COVID-19 pandemic have redefined the consumer landscape, and brand attachment in particular.
In the podcast, Rebecca and I discuss the science behind human attachment and how it is subjective, emotional and, in fact, quite irrational. And although we create attachments to not only other humans but also to ideas, including brands, at the center of these attachments is a common, constant factor: stories.
“… this cognitive bias that we have [about] the world around us has a tremendous impact on how we digest information, how we consider products, how we choose to buy into something or not, whether it’s a concept, service or product. And storytelling is at the center of all of that.”
We also discuss the history of storytelling, its evolution throughout time and the three timeless elements that make purpose-driven stories work. We deconstruct what makes for good story arcs, make shoutouts to the 1991 film Fried Green Tomatoes and our recent Life-Changing Decisions client work for BB&T (now Truist), and explore why certain stories simply resonate with some better than others.
The podcast episode concludes with optimism for the future. Consumers are demanding authenticity, transparency and accountability from brands, creating a marketplace focused on purpose. And that’s something to look forward to.
If storytelling and brand attachment—two incredibly powerful marketing tools—have not crossed your mind yet this year, the time for purpose-driven storytelling is now. The pandemic has thrust upon us many changes, marking the beginning of a new era, and you do not want to fall behind. I invite you to listen in on the podcast, available here.
Want to go more in depth? Check out our latest white paper, Brand Attachment: Building Emotional Connections Across the Customer Journey.