Family Service of the Piedmont, a North Carolina-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping local families under stress, needed to better disseminate information regarding their domestic violence and sexual abuse support services.
Pace developed the widest possible evergreen and bilingual (English and Spanish) content strategy within the confines of a fixed budget to increase awareness and emotional connection with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault—focusing on empathetic and effective language that addresses one of the biggest recurring issues Family Service of the Piedmont sees among those they serve: making the difficult decision to leave.
Pace delivered over 70 pieces of content ranging from PSAs, social content, bus ads, billboards and web content (both visual and written) in addition to a library’s worth of video, photography and clean audio assets for Family Service of the Piedmont to use for many years to come.

increase in organic (SEO) traffic over the previous year
growth in direct traffic

increase in social traffic—with Instagram and Facebook receiving the biggest gains
growth in general intake and medical forms submissions